The CDS Data Management System
Management of information is key to the success of any project. Data must be accurate and flow quickly to all team members. An effective data management system is essential and must be maintained throughout the project life cycle. Quality control, production measurement, and weekly status reports are just a few examples of project requirements that are based on data collected in the field. The preservation of this data not only ensures a successful project close-out but sets the foundation for future projects.
Our systems were developed by our team members while working in project management in some of Canada's largest construction companies. We have finally been able to build the tools we always wished we had on our job sites. Most projects and processes don't fit into the constraints of standard software and most software developers are not familiar with construction projects. This is what makes our approach truly unique .
Mobile Application
Every app we develop is built for the specific project where it will be used. The app forms and views are customized to meet the design and quality requirements for the project. The app design provides a user friendly means of data collection. All users are kept up to date since the data is continually synced between devices.
The database contains all project data and is linked to the mobile app and shared drive. All data collected on site is available in digital format. The database can be linked to other software for further analysis and integration.
Automation is used in within the app and database to complete administrative tasks. One example is using automation to fill out the quality reports. Each data field in a QC report is linked to the database. Within seconds, all the pdf reports are generated and ready for review.
Shared Project Folder
Authorized users can access the database and project documents in one place. All QC reports, shift reports, site images and even concrete tickets are automatically organized and saved for project close-out.
Android, iOS and Browser Access
​Database Integration​​
Email Login
Capture Images
Scan Barcodes & QR Codes
Work Offline
Text & Push Notifications
Accept Signatures
Generate Reports
Apply Logic
Build Dashboards